P!nk visits with children in Haiti in 2015 while traveling with UNICEF to see UNICEF programs in action.


The recording artist helps raise awareness of UNICEF's health and nutrition programs and their lifesaving impact for children worldwide.

UNICEF Ambassador since 2015

P!NK (Alecia Moore), is an American singer, songwriter, actress. She has released nine records; sold over 60 million albums and 75 million singles; and is the winner of three Grammy Awards, three Billboard Music Awards, six MTV Video Music Awards, two MTV Europe Awards and two People’s Choice Awards.

In 2015, P!NK traveled to Haiti to witness the transformative impact that UNICEF’s work provides firsthand. She was able to see progress made for children following the devastating earthquake of 2010, and the how therapeutic food can save the life of an acutely malnourished child.

During her time in Haiti, P!NK visited a health center specializing in infant care, malnutrition treatment programs and breastfeeding courses, education initiatives and child vaccination campaigns aiming to immunize children against polio, diphtheria and whooping cough.

P!nk, UNICEF Ambassador since 2015, holding a newborn baby by the hospital bedside of a new mom practicing kangaroo care with the baby's twin, at a UNICEF-supported hospital in Haiti.

Passionate about ending global malnutrition, P!NK has used her voice to educate the public about UNICEF’s global health and nutrition programs. She has also utilized her social platform by posting in support of various UNICEF key initiatives, such as International Day of the Girl and Mother’s Day Gifts that Give Back.

P!nk, UNICEF Ambassador since 2015, sits surrounded by schoolchildren at a UNICEF-supported school in Haiti.

Through her 2023 and 2024 “Summer Carnival” Tours, P!NK has continued to show her support for UNICEF by placing QR codes in all merchandise booths linking to UNICEF Market Inspired Gifts, encouraging fans to buy a gift or make a donation in help children globally.

P!nk, UNICEF Ambassador since 2015, shares a special moment with a child at a UNICEF-supported school in Haiti.

Join P!NK in supporting UNICEF's efforts to address the global nutrition crisis for children worldwide. 


TOP PHOTO: P!NK with students at a primary school in Haiti, where UNICEF supports children's learning, creative play and social development. While visiting the country in 2015, the year she was named UNICEF Ambassador, P!NK also visited a UNICEF-supported health center and a malnutrition treatment program. © All photos by Michael Crook for UNICEF.
TOP PHOTO: P!NK with students at a primary school in Haiti, where UNICEF supports children's learning, creative play and social development. While visiting the country in 2015, the year she was named UNICEF Ambassador, P!NK also visited a UNICEF-supported health center and a malnutrition treatment program. © All photos by Michael Crook for UNICEF.