Help Children on the Move
UNICEF USA leverages UNICEF's global expertise to advocate for the rights of all children on the move in the U.S. and around the world. You can join UNICEF and take meaningful action to help keep vulnerable children safe at every step.
UNICEF works to keep children safe and to protect their rights, no matter where they are. That work is more essential now than ever, with over 50 million children uprooted across the globe due to war, natural disasters, drought and other climate shocks and other related crises.
That number includes tens of millions of children who have fled brutal wars in Ukraine, Syria and South Sudan. It includes an estimated 6.3 million migrant and refugee children in Latin America and the Caribbean facing life-threatening situations. It includes 500,000 Rohingya refugee children in Bangladesh who fled horrific violence in Myanmar and now face an uncertain future.
It includes children forced to make difficult and dangerous journeys abroad, where upon arrival many wait, out of school, for their fates to be decided.
Whether these children on the move are migrants, refugees or internally displaced, they are all children first.
UNICEF USA leverages UNICEF's global expertise to advocate for the rights of all children on the move in the U.S. and around the world. You can join UNICEF and take meaningful action to help keep vulnerable children safe at every step.
These children had no choice where they were born. And they urgently need — and deserve — our help now.
Tell Congress to support the end of Title 42 now!
Enacted in March 2020 at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Title 42 order has expelled children and families arriving at the southern U.S. border back to dangerous conditions in their countries of origin or Mexico without access to regular immigration processing, including asylum, or adequate health and protection screenings.
After almost three years in effect and over 2.5 million expulsions, Title 42 was set to end on Dec. 21, 2022. However, due to a Supreme Court ruling, the policy remains in effect while litigation is underway.
The reality is that the prolonged implementation of Title 42 will heighten the risks that children and families are fleeing in the first place and worsen humanitarian conditions at the U.S. – Mexico border.
The end of Title 42 presents an important opportunity to ensure that the reception system has safeguards in place to uphold children’s rights and ensure their well-being.
Tell your member of Congress that you support the termination of the Title 42 to protect the rights of children seeking asylum. Send an Email Now