Breadcrumb Home UNICEF in action Displaying 1 - 9 of 2085 RegionAllAfrica-Algeria-Angola-Bahrain-Benin-Botswana-Burkina Faso-Burundi-Cabo Verde-Cameroon-Central African Republic-Chad-Comoros-Côte d'Ivoire-Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC)-Djibouti-Egypt-Equatorial Guinea-Eritrea-Eswatini-Ethiopia-Gabon-Ghana-Guinea, -Guinea-Bissau-Kenya-Lesotho-Liberia-Libya-Madagascar-Malawi-Mali-Mauritania-Morocco-Mozambique-Namibia-Niger-Nigeria-Príncipe-Rwanda-São Tomé -Senegal-Sierra Leone-Somalia-South Africa-South Sudan-Sudan-Tanzania-Tunisia-Uganda-Zambia -ZimbabweAsia-Afghanistan-Bangladesh-Bhutan-Cambodia-China-Cook Islands-Federated States of Micronesia-Fiji-India-Indonesia-Kiribati-Lao People's Democratic Republic (Lao PDR)-Malaysia-Maldives-Marshall Islands-Mongolia-Myanmar-Nauru-Nepal-Niue-Pakistan-Palau-Papua New Guinea-Philippines-Samoa-Solomon Islands-Sri Lanka-Thailand-the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK)-Timor-Leste-Tokelau-Tonga-Tuvalu -Vanuatu-VietnamEurope-Albania-Armenia-Azerbaijan-Belarus-Bosnia and Herzegovina-Bulgaria-Croatia-Georgia-Greece-Kazakhstan-Kosovo-Kyrgyzstan-Moldova-Montenegro-North Macedonia-Romania-Serbia -Tajikistan-Turkmenistan -Ukraine-UzbekistanMiddle East-Albania-Armenia-Azerbaijan-Belarus-Bosnia and Herzegovina-Bulgaria-Croatia-Gaza-Georgia-Greece-Iran-Iraq-Israel-Jordan-Kosovo-Lebanon-Moldova-Montenegro-North Macedonia-Romania-Serbia-Syria-Tajikistan-Turkey-Ukraine -YemenNorth America-Dominican Republic-El Salvador-Guatemala-Haiti-Honduras-Mexico-Nicaragua-United StatesSouth America-Argentina-Belize-Bolivia-Brazil-Chile-Colombia-Guyana-Panama-Paraguay-Peru-Suriname-Uruguay-VenezuelaIssueAllair pollutioncash transferschild laborchild marriagechild protectionchild soldieringchild traffickingChild-Friendly Spaceschildhood immunizationchildren with disabilitiescholeraclimate changeCOVAXCOVID-19diarrheadisplacementearly childhood developmentEbolaeducationemergency responseequityfood insecurityGAVIhealthhealth systemsHIV/AIDShygieneinnovationmalariameaslesmenstrual health and hygienemental healthmigrationnutritionpneumoniapoliopsychosocial support respectsanitationtetanuswateryouth engagementZika virusEmergencyAllchild rights crisisconflictcyclonedisease outbreakdroughtearthquakeepidemicextreme weatherfaminefloodinghurricanemigrant crisismonsoonmudslidenatural disasterpandemicrefugee crisistsunamityphoonvolcanowarPrograms & PartnersAllambassadorsBridge FundChange for GoodChild Friendly Cities InitiativeGeorge Harrison FundImpact Fund for Childreninspired giftsJohnson & Johnson FoundationKiwanisMercury FundMicrosoftRotary InternationalSchool ClubsTrick-or-Treat for UNICEFU.S. AdvocacyUNICEF marketUNICEF NextGenUNICEF-Duke Innovation Accelerator Trending Search Topics: k.i.n.d.ways to givetax rulesdonationMoving Toward the Finish Line in the Polio FightA nationwide immunization campaign backed by UNICEF and partners kicked off this month in Pakistan, one of the last two endemic countries.Read MoreReflections From a UNICEF Youth Foresight FellowUNICEF's Youth Foresight Fellowship equips young leaders with the skills and opportunities they need to anticipate, envision, design and lead.Read MoreForeign Aid Is Critical to the Well-Being of Millions of ChildrenSupport from the private sector — including individual donors — is needed more than ever to keep important humanitarian and development work going.Read MoreStepping Up the Pace to End Female Genital MutilationFemale genital mutilation is excruciatingly painful and medically unnecessary. UNICEF is working to end this cruel practice. Here's how to help.Read MoreDispatch From Haiti: What Children Need MostMultiple threats to children include recruitment into armed groups. What UNICEF is doing to deliver urgently needed support, protection and hope.Read MoreHow UNICEF Helps Malnourished Mothers and Babies in SudanUNICEF-supported clinics provide essential health and nutrition services for women and children displaced by Sudan's brutal civil war. [video]Read More5 Ways UNICEF Supports Adolescent Girls' Health and Well-BeingUNICEF supplies and services support adolescent girls and help to provide a safe environment where they can learn and thrive.Read MoreTurning Climate Hardship into Hope in Eastern and Southern AfricaA look at UNICEF's ongoing climate-smart programming in Kenya, Madagascar, South Sudan and other countries in the region.Read MoreHungry, Thirsty, Exhausted: UNICEF Appeals for Support for Children in DRCUNICEF is on the ground in the Democratic Republic of the Congo delivering emergency aid, but more help is needed as violence in the east intensifies.Read MorePagination Current page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9…Next page››Last pageLast »
Moving Toward the Finish Line in the Polio FightA nationwide immunization campaign backed by UNICEF and partners kicked off this month in Pakistan, one of the last two endemic countries.Read More
Reflections From a UNICEF Youth Foresight FellowUNICEF's Youth Foresight Fellowship equips young leaders with the skills and opportunities they need to anticipate, envision, design and lead.Read More
Foreign Aid Is Critical to the Well-Being of Millions of ChildrenSupport from the private sector — including individual donors — is needed more than ever to keep important humanitarian and development work going.Read More
Stepping Up the Pace to End Female Genital MutilationFemale genital mutilation is excruciatingly painful and medically unnecessary. UNICEF is working to end this cruel practice. Here's how to help.Read More
Dispatch From Haiti: What Children Need MostMultiple threats to children include recruitment into armed groups. What UNICEF is doing to deliver urgently needed support, protection and hope.Read More
How UNICEF Helps Malnourished Mothers and Babies in SudanUNICEF-supported clinics provide essential health and nutrition services for women and children displaced by Sudan's brutal civil war. [video]Read More
5 Ways UNICEF Supports Adolescent Girls' Health and Well-BeingUNICEF supplies and services support adolescent girls and help to provide a safe environment where they can learn and thrive.Read More
Turning Climate Hardship into Hope in Eastern and Southern AfricaA look at UNICEF's ongoing climate-smart programming in Kenya, Madagascar, South Sudan and other countries in the region.Read More
Hungry, Thirsty, Exhausted: UNICEF Appeals for Support for Children in DRCUNICEF is on the ground in the Democratic Republic of the Congo delivering emergency aid, but more help is needed as violence in the east intensifies.Read More